By Annette Lawless | Kansas CW

The hallways of Melrose Place med seem more like a trotting hole than a hospital. Among the mix of medical jargon and hooker talk, Lauren seems to always be booking the next gig, while Dr. Mancini seeks to treat a nearly bare-breasted redhead patient in his office (we’ll get to that later…)

Last week, we left off with Lauren advancing her walk through prostitute-ville, where she joins a number of other hookers for a night servicing men at sea. With the help of a friend, Lauren was able to break free from the yacht, escaping sight of David. Too bad. A confrontation denied! And by leaving, she also escaped the inevitable threesome she’ll encounter down the line.

David, however, was not so lucky. Refusing a $2-million art deal, David declares he’s a “free agent,” and ends up fueling a feud with a slew of art thieves. Shame on you, David. Bandits gotta stick together. Maybe there will be an even bigger gig later-one he can’t refuse.

A bruised David soon returns to 4616 Melrose, where Lauren later finds him and takes him to the hospital. Dr. Mancini, David’s dad, grows suspicious of what happened. He asks Lauren to pry more information out of his son. I suspect a tit-for-a-tat deal coming up. Perhaps the doctor will pay Lauren a special visit (or heck, visa versa), eventually?

Down the hall, Violet surprises/plots/greets the heart surgeon with a fast, Red Bull-driven heartbeat. Early in the episode, Vi learns Sydney and Michael had a falling out. Operation Revenge begins. Looks like Sydney Jr. learned the art of manipulation, stands shirtless in his office. Definitely got Michael’s heart a pitter-pattering! Her payment for the visit? Offering him an evening of free drinks at the bar.

With a weakness for women, Michael meets up with Violet later on. I mean, hey, who can resist a hot chick in a tighter-than-tight mini-dress? Slamming drinks one after another, the doctor dismisses himself from the night out. But somehow, Violet manages to pry herself away from her “bartending duties.” (I mean, doesn’t she have other customers to wait on? She seems to be selling herself better than the drinks.)

A quick detour for the doc first: between Violet’s legs. Tsk Tsk! Though I doubt she’s the first-or the last patient he’ll pillage-they both have quick and easy frisk in his ever-so-delicious sports car. But it all comes back to haunt him later: when Vi shows up at his house (under the pretense of becoming his kids’ new nanny). To further end the sizzle, Violet shows him a little video of their sex-on-wheels night, then proceeds to tell him she’s Sydney’s daughter-and ready to make him pay.

Tonight’s episode was interesting, none-the-less, but is the devious behavior worth sticking around for? How do you think Violet will get the doctor to pay up?

Check out more of my Melrose Place blogs with The Crew at the Kansas CW!

5 thoughts on “Now that’s one frisky hospital: Lauren’s sex-cape act…”
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