Just about every sweeps period, news and marketing dukes it out over video—especially when it comes to promoting the piece in advance.

No matter what, though, in the promotions world… we find a way to make our work happen.

In this case, the marketing team was promoting this story—about the dirtiest things at the dinner table.

The promotions world functions weeks ahead of news. Not that news is slow. It’s just, well, they get easily distracted by tornadoes and other breaking stories. Tsk! Tsk!

So to compromise, I used still images for the promo. It was fun. Got to do a lot of editing in Photoshop—a pain and a joy on its own.

Here’s the final product. Enjoy!

One thought on “No. 8: The Dirtiest Things At the Dinner Table”
  1. Another great read! Thanks! I’m always looking out for your next blog, they seem to get better and better 🙂 thankyou!

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