This time of year typically brings things merry and bright, but this Christmas is a bit empty for Travis Graham and his family.

His little sister, Haley Davis, hasn’t been seen or heard from in months.

“It’s unreal because never in a million years do you think this would happen to your own family member. So, kind of where I’m at, is just hoping I wake up out of the nightmare. Really.”

Haley, 19, was last seen on July 21, 2023. She was believed to be traveling to Wichita, the Salina Police Department shared this summer. Travis remembers the last conversation he had with her.

“The last thing I ever said to my sister was, and we’re trying to show her tough love, and I kind of told her, ‘Keep the same energy you’ve been having,’ which wasn’t good energy. It’s kind of haunting me now that I said that because there’s some stuff I wish I could take back. But, I was just really trying to show my sister, you know, tough love trying to get her on the right path.”

The path hasn’t been easy for Haley. KAKE News has shared her story several times in recent years with Missing in Kansas. About six years ago, Haley and Travis’ mom passed away. After then, Haley was in the foster care system.

“She did run away a few times, and you know, she has been in trouble with the law a little bit,” he said. “She’s been a troubled teenager. She’s had a rough life.”

Eventually, Travis, who is in his 30’s, and his wife tried to give Haley a place to stay. She didn’t stick around. She faced a lot of adversity, and sometimes would get mixed in a bad crowd, Travis said.

“It’s been very hard,” he said. “Very hard because, like I said, ever since my mom died, I kind of tried to take her under my wing and try to show her the ropes of life. As a teenager, you don’t listen. I know for me, as a teenager, I didn’t listen to my parents. Then, finally as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized hey, they were making sense and they just weren’t getting through to me.”

Haley’s disappearance has impacted Travis and their extended family, too. While he lives in Wichita, most of their relatives are in Salina. To not know what’s happened to her, especially as she’s missed out on the holidays, has been rough on them.

“I don’t think a lot of people understand how much it is because I don’t really bring it out a lot,” he said. “I tried to keep it behind closed doors, but it wears on a person definitely. This Thanksgiving it was real hard.”

This past year, though, Haley faced the biggest change in her life. She became a mom. She gave birth to a boy.

“She loved her son, loved him, loves him,” Travis said. “She always cared for him. It just sucks knowing that he may not grow up without a mom.”

Travis said he’s heard a lot of grim rumors about what’s happened to his sister. He fears the worst.

“As a brother, it’s hard for me to try to decipher what’s real and what’s not,” he said. “At this point, I don’t know what’s real and what’s not. I just want to I want to kind of have a peace of mind for me and my family. I kind of whatever it is, whatever the end result is, I kind of just wanted over with it and you know, try to make the next step to move forward. There’s been some pretty gruesome rumors out there.”

Despite this, Travis tries to hold on to hope. As the family put up their Christmas tree, he unboxed a piece of his sister. A wooden ornament she made when she lived with them. As his family plans to unwrap gifts, perhaps the best gift this season would be Haley’s safe return.

“It sucks because I just I feel she’s out there somewhere and somebody knows something,” he said. “They just don’t want to come forward because you know, how the streets are basically. But if anyone has any information, please, please come forward. I can’t stress it enough. I really, really would love to have her home. But like I said, I don’t know as though I’ll ever get to see my sister again.”


STILL MISSING: Please, keep continuing to #repost the story of Haley Davis, 19, last seen five months ago in north-central Kansas. She’s a young mom who is very much loved, her brother tells me. Back then, Salina Police said she was believed to be heading to Wichita. #MissingInKS #MissingInKansas #MissingPerson #MissingPeople #MissingTeen #MissingWoman #MissingKid #MissingKids #Missing #Wichita #WichitaKS #WichitaKansas #SedgwickCounty #SedgwickCo #SedgwickCoKS #Kansas #Salina #SalinaKS #SalinaKansas #SalineCo #SalineCoKS #SalineCounty #SalineCountyKansas #HelpFindHer #HaleyDavis

? original sound – Missing in Kansas


There’s concern for the safety of a young woman last seen one month ago in north-central Kansas.

The Saline Police Department issued an alert Thursday morning, asking for the community’s help with finding Haley Davis. The 19-year-old was reported missing on Aug. 10, 2023, though she was last seen on the morning of July 21. 

A detective said Haley left a home in Salina and was last known to be traveling to Wichita.

Previously, Haley was reported missing in December 2020, as shared on Missing in Kansas. Back then, she was reported missing from Hutchinson.


Missing from: Salina, Kan.

Missing since: July 21, 2023

Age when reported missing: 19

Height then: 5’6’’

Weight then: 200 pounds

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

If you have information that could help the case, contact the Salina Police Department at (785) 826-7210. You can also make an anonymous tip by contacting Crimestoppers at 825-TIPS, text SATIPS to CRIMES (274637), or click here to submit a web tip. You may receive a cash reward. or the Kansas Bureau of Investigation at (785) 296-4017. You can also leave an anonymous tip with the KBI by clicking here.

KAKE News features the story of a missing person or issue every weekday in our morning and evening newscasts. If you have a person you’d like for us to share a story about, please contact Anchor Annette Lawless at




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