WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) – As kids enjoy their time off from school for fall break, three siblings hope to catch one neighborhood’s attention and hearts.

Carrying a big box of chalk to a parking lot northeast of Central and Maize, one brother and two sisters are hard at work.

“We were just coming out here to just, like, draw some pictures. Draw some hearts and smiley faces,” said 8-year-old Shaelynn.

Next to a sidewalk, she and her sister, Madison, 10, and brother, Grayson, 12, crafted something on the biggest canvas they could find.

“We didn’t have much to do today so we decided to come out here and just make the sign so people could see it,” Grayson said.

“You can just do so many different things with it,” Madison echoed. “You can draw, make different designs. You can write messages. All sorts of stuff.”

Along the edge of an elevated parking lot wall, they had one simple message. Bright, bold letters measuring several feet long read, “LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE.”

“We just wanted to make more people like, happy because some people don’t have a lot of good days, so we just came out here to do it because there’s a lot of cars that can see it,” Shaelynn said.

“It’s important because everybody in the world deserves to be happy and have a good day,” Madison agreed. “And have a smile on their face.”

They want to bring people joy, even with something as simple as a sign made by a few kids. Yet, the project also made them smile.  

“This is something special because we don’t usually get time off because we have school and after school sports,” Madison said. “So this is just something fun to do for the day. It makes me feel good because I’m making other people’s day better, so it makes me feel like I’m a good person and makes me happy.”

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