CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio–We know you have your favorite Fox 8 personality, but have you seen the youngest news anchors in the state?
Students at Kenston Middle School get a taste of the TV business by producing daily newscasts.
“It’s really fun, and it’s a good opportunity to see how the real news does it with the green screen and prompter,” said eighth-grade student Katie Reisinger.
This year, the kids have launched programming to the web.
“It’s kind of weird when you first see yourself, but then you see yourself. You get used to it,” said eighth-grade student Jeremy Wiers. “It’s kind of cool. Anybody can see us online.”
From editing to sitting behind the anchor desk, it’s become an all-time favorite class for eighth graders.
“I kind of like the video editing the best, cause you can control what you put in it and stuff,” Wiers said. “I could definitely see myself doing this some day.”
To check out the Bomber TV newscasts, click here.